This is a post for those who understand all this photography talk.
Is it worth upgrading a crop factor camera to a full frame? I struggled with the answer for a long time. Upgrading had some pros and cons the biggest of which was the price. Well, now that I actually did it, I have my answer.
Этот пост для тех, кто понимает.
Стоит ли менять фотоаппарат с кроп-фактором на фотоаппарат с полно-форматной матрицей? Я долго затруднялась ответить на этот вопрос. Такой переход имел бы свои плюсы и минусы, самый крупный из которых, конечно, цена. Однако теперь, когда я всё-таки это сделала, у меня есть ответ!
First of all, my old crop factor camera was really OLD and outdated — Canon 1000D (also known as Rebel XS). The biggest advantage of it was its weight, it’s twice as lighter than my new camera that also is positioned as a lightweight camera. And that would be it. The combination of a tiny viewfinder, small LCD screen and 7 contrast detection AF points made me constantly miss with my focus. Very loud shutter prevented me from taking pictures of my sleeping babies. The maximum ISO of 1600, that I’ve been constantly using at home, was extremely noisy and made the focus even softer. Thanks God it at least had an option of setting back botton focusing.
My new camera has a lot of cool features like Wi-Fi (which means using Canon Remote App on my phone for selfportraits from now on), double exposure. It has a wider dynamic range and it sees more colours, and I can totally see the difference of the picture quality on the images!
I’ve been planning the upgrade for a long time, but I couldn’t decide if it was worth to invest a larger amount of money in the full frame. I liked the idea that the crop factor cameras make a focal length seem even longer (yes, I’m aware, that this is only due to the image crop, and it has no influence on the size of the background blur). And the size of the RAW files on the full frame was just frightening. I also own some lenses that are only compatible with a crop factor camera. So that would be three downsides for me. But then I couldn’t believe that the sensor size has such a great affect on a background blur. Well, it does! Have you ever wondered what lens can give you that awesome blur like you see on some of the pro photographer works? The answer is — none if you don’t shoot with a full frame. Now that I hold my own full frame in my hands, I’ve experienced this! Believe me, it makes a huge difference.
So the answer for me is yes, definitely yes, it is worth upgrading from a crop factor to a full frame if you enjoy photography like I do and want to improve your pictures.