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Sometimes the summer end comes to us gradually, little by little. Day after day the sun rises up to the skies a bit more sluggishly and says goodbye in order to start the morning in the other world side a bit earlier. But sometimes autumn sets in all at once, as if somebody had switched a lever. Just like if a theatre manager would find that somebody spilled a jam jar on the summer stage decorations and claimed for an immediate change of a summer swelter to an autumn rainfall right in the next day’s play.
That is how it happened here. Weather forecasters predicted air temperature decrease “starting next week” and here you are — it truly happened last Monday (or one week before it?). And to leave no doubt to anyone, temperature lowered right off by 15 degrees Celsius.
I don’t know, may be someone was disappointed by this early changes, but I definitely had enough of the summer heat this year. That’s OK, that lighter clothes are put deeper in the wardrobe. And I can endure that time to get dressed for going outside has increased proportionally to the number of layers worn by kids. On the bright side, it’s so easy to breathe now! And my husband presented me a new colourful umbrella! And I can enjoy the heat of a hot tea again running through my body and the comfort of a warm duvet, when only nose had been left uncovered while sleeping, and the pleasure of being warmed up near the stove when cooking flapjacks for a Sunday breakfast.
By the way, I’ve found a nice recipe that works good as an autumn depression prevention — a pomegranate tea! Actually, it isn’t the tea itself, but the scent of it that spreads throughout the apartment after the evening it was brewed, and was so pleasant to immerse in at the morning. And even the rain out of very grey clouds only made the thought about the tea more enjoyable.
How to fill a time of a day like this when morning bliss has been already gone and morning cereal eaten? Preschoolers and soon-to-be-first-grade students can refresh their skills of counting and writing numbers from one to ten. I drew this printable activity pages for my girls, but would be happy to know that other kids also could have fun with them.
Click to download and save Printable Learning Numbers Activity Pages.