If I were a poet, I would definitely write a poem about Latvian weather. It has so many faces and it changes its mood like a patient of a psychiatric clinic! We have weeks of tropical heat in July, we freeze to our bones in February. October either pours or drizzles on us and we have thunderstorms each night in June. Then we always have a whole week of rains around midsummer holiday time, that’s for sure. Our weather is truly unpredictable (except that rainy midsummer week). Yesterday we could easily go for a swim. Today we are wearing jackets (and some of us even gloves). Yep, one can’t be bored with our weather. It’s really inconvenient though when you’re trying to plan outdoor shoot. So when you have a sunny or at least partly sunny evening, you must grab it!
Привет, странник!
Меня зовут Надя. Я живу в Риге, в столице небольшой прибалтийской страны, Латвии.
Я - мама трёх девочек, интроверт и творческий человек. Мой любимый вид творчества - это фотография . Я творю для себя, для семьи, для знакомых и для незнакомых.
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