Признаки осени
I was hunting for an autumn signs today. “Autumn signs” is a Veronika’s phrase that she brought from her kindergarten last year. The truth is, I always hated cold seasons. And an autumn itself, particularly the part of it after fall and before winter always made me feel a depression with it’s gloominess of grey days, trees, grass, birds and actually grey everything. But something has changed this year. I don’t know, maybe it’s all because of the kids, but I truly love dimmed colours I see around me now, and the sun, soft and diffused by clouds. I like even those grey crows sitting on tall completely naked black trees. I remembered the autumn smell of fallen leaves from my childhood and was able to feel it again. I have a weird feeling like I’ve entered an illustration to a fairy tale about nature and creatures that live in woods. This inspires me a lot, if I only had some more time to create!