So, the summer has started. And it’s even pretty warm outside, which is quite nice since the summer has started and we all (I mean us, our family girls) have some new light dresses that we all eager to try on.
It’s only a week, but a lot of things had happened. For one thing, Marge has started walking. She can walk from one room to another and can be engaged in this simple activity for quite a time. It’s so very strange to see her up on her chubby legs all the time! This is truly amazing to watch your child stepping in a new development stage like this. Though, this is a major progress and it has led our family to some significant changes — Marge wants to walk outside, which means saying farewell to long promenades with her stroller. Marge wears boots outside from now on (and now she even stopped insisting on taking those off immediately). And Marge was in a kids playground and enjoyed touching and pouring sand for the first time. And I cannot shoot outside in the same pace and manner I did it before, which is a bit of a pain.
We changed our big stroller to a smaller one. Although the change was just in time, we actually did it because of a once more broken wheel. We loved the old stroller and had used it a lot, but those unlucky wheels had constantly let us down. The new one is very compact and lightweighted, which is good, and has a storage basket of a much smaller capacity and doesn’t have a bag, which is something we all now have to get used to. Perhaps, it’s just a time for me to find a real camera bag.
Then Veronica had some kind of a nasty virus with a strong stomach ache and a headache. She scared me so much that I made a desision to take her to the hospital right away. I must say, the same evening everything was gone. She brought a souvenir from the hospital though, which is an object of her pride now.
Girls visited a hairdresser. Anastasia has her hair cut pretty short for the first time. It was totally her inciative and we all love the result. She feels like a little fairy and when she wears her black school dress and a hairband, she looks like Kiki from Ghibli’s Kiki’s Delivery Service (that’s one cool movie, by the way).
I had two shoots this week and I hope I’ll find some time to write about those.
We’ve been to rhododendron garden of Babite (in 10 minutes by bus from our place) and we’ve been to kids large play gym in Dzintari (first time with Marge in a train, this is where it was nice to have our new lightweight stroller with us).
Ещё мы ездили в сад рододендронов в Бабите, до которого, оказывается, всего 10 минут езды на автобусе. И мы ездили на большую площадку в парк Дзинтари (Марго в первый раз в жизни ехала на электричке, и вот где мы хорошо прочувствовали преимущество легкой коляски).
And the best thing. We tried to write Summer books last summer, but the kids were pretty reluctant, and there was more talking than doing. Now I feel like I planted some good seeds last summer, as now they remembered about the books and write, glue and draw in those with a true interest and pleasure! And it’s a good reason for Anastasia to keep writing every day even during her summer vacation, and it’s a good reason for Veronica try using letters she knows and write some stuff too!
And the lastest — my latest invention: theme of the days and sticker collection books that will be exchanged for surprise gifts. Briefly, days have a theme, that can be any kind of thing sets that should be tided up. A kid gets a sticker if he does it. This also motivates the older one to do her summer school tasks and the younger one to practice reading. It looks for now that the system works, which means it deserves more than a few words from me in this post, so stay tuned for more!