Yesterday she turned one. We love her so much! The memories about her birth are one of the greatest memories in our family. She is my third child and believe me, it’s worth having a third child just because having a baby when you already have the experience and have made different mistakes and tried different things with the first kids, is a pure joy. Nothing distracts you from just loving the kid. Will she ever sleep at night? Yes, she will. Will I ever have spare time by daytime at home? Yes, I will. Will I ever sleep in my bed without the kid and for the whole night? Yes, I know, I will. Will I ever be able to watch a movie from the beginning to the end without long pauses? Yes! And it will all happen much sooner then we think. These are just common questions of most of the new mothers, and now I know the answers perfectly.
Yes, I’m tired, like all of the moms are. But I know that soon enough I’ll have the time for myself again. But as a fee for this SHE will grow up. Cats and dogs will become an ordinary thing for her. She will learn a lot of words, and some of them won’t be nice. She will stop eating my milk and will be asking for sweets, like her sisters do. I know it and I know how special and singular this age of her is. And this is why I enjoy it so much!
To celebrate the day together my husband took a day off and we took a little trip — just the three of us. We visited one really beautiful place not so far from Riga — the Kemeri swamp path. I had never been there before. Nature hasn’t quite awakened there yet, the place around the path was oddly quiet and warm. But we saw a few yellow butterflies, the brimstones, there. It’s a spring, baby!
But before we got there we made a walk in the city of Kemeri. Many years ago there was a big sanatorium and a very beautiful park, pretty famous in Baltic countries. It all has been abandoned now, buildings are slowly mouldering. However, the grass looks mowed there, which means that somebody still takes care of the park.