This baby is incredibly cheerful. She always wakes up with a smile. I don’t remember her ever waking up grumpy.
And as it should be, she has very inquisitive mind. She travels on her knees around our place in a very high pace. She can even try to “run away” from me when she puts something uneatable in her mouth as she already knows that she won’t get away with it.
Это необычайно жизнерадостный ребёнок. Она всегда просыпается с улыбкой. Я честно не помню, чтобы она хоть раз встала в плохом настроении. Как и положено, малышка очень любознательная. Она путешествует по квартире ползком, и умеет это делать очень быстро. Она может даже предпринять попытку “убежать” от меня, потому как знает, что складывать в рот несъедобные вещи непозволительно.
About the food. Now I can say that beside the milk and cardboard she really eats stuff. She is more interested in food in evening time than in mornings though.
One of those things that make her feeding time attractive to her are spoons. Just give them to her!
She sleeps well, but her sleeping schedule is truly awful. Just imagine, she can sleep till 9 AM! Yesterday she actually slept till 10 AM! None of my kids EVER has slept till 10 AM. But there is a but, either she has only one day nap (but it can be rather long), or she goes to sleep at a pretty late hour, leaving me very little time for myself. Plus, if I sleep this long with her, I have problems with falling asleep at night.
This girl is very smart — she hasn’t been trying to stand until this time, which is really good for her growing bones and future posture. But she does it now. And it’s so unusual to see her standing! I promise some pictures of her standing when she is a little bit steadier and I’ll be able to step back from her with the camera.
She says “poka” (“bye”) when someone is going out of the place.
The eighth teeth was found in her mouth just a few days ago (one of premolars).
This is not in any way a great picture, I just wanted to show off her plump legs.
If you follow my project 365, then you already have seen this picture. This is the mischievous smile that she gives me instead of closing her eyes and going to sleep.
Our mundane.
Travelling by bus.
Don’t Marge and her grandmother look alike?
The plastic boxes with Marge’s clothes make a great material to explore.
Marge behaved well at her sister’s birthday party.
Thanks for the next photo to my dear husband.