My youngest girl will turn 2 years old in a month. And believe me, the more kids you have, the faster time flies. Marge is our little cheerful sun, who loves talking and singing. The words “She started to sing before she could talk” of the famous ABBA song totally relate to her! And yesterday she told me “please” when she asked for something! Here are some of my latest pictures of her:
Here she makes a bed for her toy in a cardboard house.
And here is Marge’s favourite kitten (actually, she loves all the kittens she can reach). He is worth a kiss!
When I look back to her newborn times, my only regret is that I wasn’t inspired enough to take pictures of her with a big camera. I thought of it like of a heavy bulky thing to carry, that could be easily replaced with a much lighter iPhone for my needs. Now that I know about photography so much more, I feel really sad about missed opportunities of making an incredible memory for our family and for my daughter of those times.
I do like the pictures I took of her and of my husband with my phone, though. I just wish I had made it differently too. I wish I shot more of the details that were important to me then. Here some of the pictures:
And here is her baby blanket on our bed.
So many things have changed in these two years! I was a web-programmer before I went on the maternity leave. I am a photographer now. It’s not like photography was totally new to me. I’ve been the girl with a camera since I was given one on my 11th birthday. But honestly, being a pro wasn’t even on my dreams checklist, if this makes sense. Everything changed when I started studying photography. I started it just for myself. But soon enough I realised that photography engages me way more than programming ever did. Studying felt so natural and was really easy and I believed in myself. I had started to see my path clearly. And I made the decision.
Now, I’m a mother to three girls, but I’ve been pregnant for four times. And every time it started with a strong toxicosis that would leave me only after two month of torture. Nevertheless, I loved the stage of a soon-to-be mother each time! Of course, the nesting part was my favorite part, and I remember the warm and cosy feeling of it, when all of the baby things had been already prepared for the newcomer, a crocheted baby blanket and baby booties were ready, and everything in the room shined in it’s place. Oh, I wish I just had more pictures of myself from that times, so I could share those memories with my child!
I always believed that it’s a must for a pregnant woman to have at least one photoshoot of her belly with a professional photographer. But this is not what I’m speaking about right now. Yes, the belly and all of the curves of a pregnant woman always look gorgeous in a fancy dress! But I’m pretty sure, these won’t be the shots you’ll revisit on and on after the birth of your baby. At least, I didn’t. Now, I’m not advising you to skip this, not at all! Do it! A pregnancy is such a special stage that lasts only nine months of your child’s life! You’ll want to have as much memories about it as you can, just because how special those memories are! I’m saying that those ordinary mundane moments are not less precious and maybe even more important for you to remember.
Look, these are almost all of the pictures of me that I have from the last pregnancy. A lot of them are selfies taken using a tripod. These pictures don’t tell much about me during the pregnancy. They only tell that we were traveling a little bit more than usual that year.
Here we were traveling to Poland. I wasn’t aware of the pregnancy yet on this picture. And thank you, mom, for the picture!
Visiting another Latvian city, Kandava. We already knew it on this one. The picture was taken using the tripod.
We went on a vacation to Tallinn. I’m with a toxicosis on this one and I hate my look. But the picture is still special to me. And thanks to our friends, that were traveling with us, for the picture.
Exploring Latvian Baltic sea shores. Toxicosis is almost over. The picture was taken using the tripod.
Revisiting Kandava. You can almost see my belly here. Thanks to my husband for the picture.
Our friends took this picture of us on my husband’s birthday.
37th week of pregnancy. This one was taken by my husband, who was in the cafe with me.
Now, 1 week after that, we had the shoot with a professional photographer in a cafe. And despite the great job she did, it wasn’t the brightest idea. My face looks SO swollen on the pictures! The funny thing is that I had been warned by another photographer earlier this pregnancy, that maternity photoshoot shouldn’t be scheduled on the last months, when a pregnant woman already looks like a cruiser and gets tired too fast. But somehow it still happened exactly this way.
Two days before giving birth to Marge:
Somewhere in the middle of this pregnancy, I have also this kind of pictures taken of me by my husband:
Yep, these last three pictures are just mobile snapshots and not as fancy as the upper collection, but these are still very sweet and very treasured shots! What makes them important to me, is the story they tell about me, my activities, and my belly.
So my point here is, if you are pregnant, don’t forget to take pictures and pick your camera more often then on a journey or on another special occasion. It may seem troublesome to you right now, but believe me, it is worth it. I would end up almost without pictures of my pregnancy if we were not traveling this much. And yes, having pictures of you with your belly, doing everyday stuff at your home, can be much more important than having pictures of you in a beautiful place, that doesn’t actually relate to you. Consider this.