Tadadadam! Do you hear the sound of drums and trumpets? It’s my blog that has turned one year old! Once upon a bright and sunny spring morning (that actually happened a little bit more than a year ago) I was drinking my morning tea and reading my favorite blog feeds. The feed was bursting with lush colors in anticipation of a warmer season. For me it had always been a great source of inspiration and good mood for the whole day. I was sitting in my cosy green kitchen, that had been cleaned right the day before, and was eating a zephyr brought by my husband specially for me. Marge was obviously planning on staying a few days more in my belly and I had some free time and was feeling very creative.
And then I thought, when if not now? What am I waiting for if I like the idea so much? And then the decision was made, I moved to my craft room (that, by the way, is also delightfully green and gorgeously sunlit in this part of morning) and dared to start a blog as my creative outlet.
Since then I always had more ideas than time for blogging (that’s why I’m always a few days late with my posts). I started it because it felt cosy to have one. I still think so. I kept on writing it, because it was fun and this is the kind of a rest I like. Plus, writing down my ideas always inspired me even more (that’s why I have my paper Book of days now too, though it’s more like a planner). Then it became for me a place for sharing different creative stuff and along with that the place where to document our family life and my feelings, and also my growth as a photographer now. I like to go back and read some posts from the previous year from time to time. Seeing photographs along with my thoughts of that time helps me to dive into memories and always brings joy. I’m so happy I’ve got it all written here as I tend to forget all those precious little details.
And to celebrate this event of my blog life I decided to gather some facts about the blog:
– my blog has about 140 published posts;
– it has more than 1000 of pictures attached;
– it has 5 active categories and has 4 main topics that I post about: my kids (little Marge’s development in particular), photography, different crafts (especially crocheting) and printables of any kind;
– it has almost 100 comments (but I believe that a half of them is my responses to you, the readers);
– the blog was redesigned once and I constantly keep on working on the better look;
– most of the readers are from USA. Australia takes the second place, and my home country Latvia is only on the third place;
– the ratio of desktop PS’s vs mobile is 2:1, which means that I should set as a number one priority making a mobile version of my blog. The blog looks truly awful on the mobile devices now and I promise to deal with it in the nearest future.
– к постам прикреплено более 1000 картинок;
– в блоге 5 активных категорий и 4 основных направления, о которых я пишу: мои дети (в частности, развитие Маргоши), фотография , рукоделие (в особенности, вязание крючком) и разнообразные шаблоны для печати;
– у блога около 100 комментариев (но половина из них — это точно мои ответы читателям);
– один раз я уже делала основательный редизайн блогу, но постоянно продолжаю работу над внешним видом страницы;
– большинство читателей блога из США. Второе место заняла Австралия, а вот родная Латвия только на третьем месте;
– отношение пользователей, читающих блог с мобильных устройств к тем, кто читает с настольного компьютера 1 к 2, что значит, что мне следует потрудится над дизайном для мобильных устройств. Сейчас он, мягко говоря, никакой, но я обещаю в ближайшем будущем этим заняться.
And here is the promised special little treat for you for being here with me today:
I’m sharing the card from the title image of this post for you to download!