Кроп фактор или фул фрейм?
This is a post for those who understand all this photography talk.
Is it worth upgrading a crop factor camera to a full frame? I struggled with the answer for a long time. Upgrading had some pros and cons the biggest of which was the price. Well, now that I actually did it, I have my answer.
Этот пост для тех, кто понимает.
Стоит ли менять фотоаппарат с кроп-фактором на фотоаппарат с полно-форматной матрицей? Я долго затруднялась ответить на этот вопрос. Такой переход имел бы свои плюсы и минусы, самый крупный из которых, конечно, цена. Однако теперь, когда я всё-таки это сделала, у меня есть ответ!
Летне-вечерняя прогулка и календарь погоды
If I were a poet, I would definitely write a poem about Latvian weather. It has so many faces and it changes its mood like a patient of a psychiatric clinic! We have weeks of tropical heat in July, we freeze to our bones in February. October either pours or drizzles on us and we have thunderstorms each night in June. Then we always have a whole week of rains around midsummer holiday time, that’s for sure. Our weather is truly unpredictable (except that rainy midsummer week). Yesterday we could easily go for a swim. Today we are wearing jackets (and some of us even gloves). Yep, one can’t be bored with our weather. It’s really inconvenient though when you’re trying to plan outdoor shoot. So when you have a sunny or at least partly sunny evening, you must grab it!
Дети и Уборка
I am a cleaning freak. I like pleasing my eyes with a beautiful interior around me instead of trying to find the couch behind the mess. And I like tidying up things. And I actually do it all the free time I have while my littlest one is awake, so I also believe that I deserve some rest when she goes to sleep. Well, this is me.
I’m raising my third toddler now, and this stage of her age is the hardest for me as for the cleaning freak. She can mess everything around us much faster than I can clean it. She is much skillful of messing things than me of cleaning our rooms. Usually I like having my floor washed at least once in two days (don’t like feeling sand under my feet in our home), but now I can’t get to actual floor washing for weeks! Well, this is her.
I have two bigger girls on a summer break in addition to Marge now. They can clean, I’ve seen them doing it. But the sad truth is, they don’t seem to see any point in doing it. Besides, they have so many things that it’s no wonder that their young minds just can’t cope with the cleaning process. I must admit, there are times when I feel lost in their room too. Well, these are them.
Лето, вперёд!
So, the summer has started. And it’s even pretty warm outside, which is quite nice since the summer has started and we all (I mean us, our family girls) have some new light dresses that we all eager to try on.
Марго и новые достижения
Somehow I missed a few months of posting about Marge. But I feel that I should resume doing it, because I won’t remember these things after two or three years. My elder kids often ask about themselves, what they did when they were little like Marge, but I can’t answer most of the questions as I’ve already forgotten a lot of details.
So, speaking of Marge, the first thing I notice when I look through her pictures from the three past months is that she has much more hair now.