Лечим простуду
As I wrote in the previous post, our littlest one has caught a cold and can’t actually get out of it for three weeks by now. This picture was taken by Anastasia when I was trying to get some chamomile tea in Marge. And it’s not an easy task, as she likes to bite a spoon, but doesn’t like to swallow things that doesn’t come from my breasts. So mostly what goes in her mouth, immediately goes out as well.
I wrote down a list and put it on our kids room’s door as a reminder for me with all of our treatment methods for kids during a day. Here it is:
– put on socks and slippers;
– warm up feet and hands in a hot bathtub;
– add a few drops of an Eucalyptus oil in a hot bathtub to breath it in while warming your feet and hands;
– clean noses with Humer;
– rinse a throat with a mixture of water, salt and baking soda (older kids only);
– spray a Calendula tincture in a throat (older kids only);
– spray an Euphobrium nasal spray (older kids only);
– drink a chamomile tea;
– rub a Hustagil Balsam balm on the skin of chest and back;
– ventilate;
– eat some garlic;
– eat some vitamin C;
– eat some cranberries and honey.
– одевать тёплые носки и тапки;
– греть ноги и руки в горячей воде;
– капать в воду пару капель эвкалиптового масла, чтобы дышать испарениями, пока греешь ноги и руки;
– чистить носы с помощью водички Humer;
– полоскать горло раствором соды и соли (только старшим детям);
– прыскать в горло спрэй Laringospray из настойки календулы (только старшим детям);
– пшикать в нос Euphobrium (только старшим детям);
– пить ромашковый чай;
– натирать грудь и спину бальзамом Hustagil Balsam;
– регулярно проветривать комнаты;
– добавлять в суп свежий чеснок;
– есть витамин C;
– пить натуральный профилактический сироп для здоровья дыхательных путей Bronhonie из настойки клюквы и мёда.
Any other ideas of how to treat a cold?