First of all, I have to tell about how did we muster our courage on taking this trip. The truth is, we didn’t. Actually we were planning a whole different trip, and that’s the saddest part of the story. We had already bought tickets to London for a weekend. We were up to visit our friends and buy me a new lens. But apparently, it’s a real trouble to get in London (and is worth loads of money) if you have a status of alien in Latvia. Yep, it is as ludicrous as it sounds, a part of people officially have this status here, which is a result of them (or their parents) moving here in the time period when this place belonged to Soviet Union. Most of them had already got through a procedure of gaining the citizenship of Latvia, though. Well, don’t ask why, but my husband hadn’t. But this is really the first time when it actually mattered. And it was sheer coincidence that we found out before the flight about our need to make a visa for him and we had some time to change our destination (and thanks a lot for this bright idea to our friend, the one from England, as we were ready to lose our money for the tickets as these were of a non-refundable kind).
So this is how we got to this journey. But I must say, despite such an unfortunate start, it went really-really well.
Marge usually doesn’t get up early, which is an extraordinary fact for a baby at her age. She slept away all of the time we had in the morning of our departure to Milan. And this actually gave me an opportunity to take some pictures of her sleeping as I wasn’t, for a change, afraid of waking her up (yep, here is me again with my camera). Nothing special, though, as I didn’t have time to make our bed in all of the bustle. But I did get this sweet pinky foot into the frame.
Then I took some pictures of the airport in Riga (and the fact that it’s not allowed to photograph there was quite a surprise for me when I found a sign about it after our return to Riga. It shined through on the glass door as I was leaving the airport).
Using an elevator (changing a point of view in this way seemed fun to me).
Marge slept in the airport while our plane was a bit late and we were waiting for our gate to open. And she woke up right before our plane took off. Of course, it would have been much easier if she had slept there, but we managed to distract her with the “Baby Einstein” movie about animals and with food during the flight pretty well. She even got to drink a few drops of water from a plastic glass.
Then she slept again in the bus from Bergamo to Milan.
It was sunny and pretty warm in Milan when we arrived. At least comparing to Latvian weather. Italian winter is like Latvian middle spring. I love this kind of weather.
We spent our first hours in Milan researching the Central Station. Our goal was to find a tourist info point, which certainly was somewhere over there, as a map stated, but we didn’t succeed on that. A massive building of the station had some lovely light inside, so nevertheless, it was nice to spend some time there.
Then we caught a train in the subway (the last wagons are the least crowded, which we found out after not being able to board the first train).
Finding the hotel were we booked our room was a good reason for a walk through the city.
The Cathedral (Duomo) is worth of a night visit too.
Just a cafe on our way home.
It was a long day. Marge took a bath (or should I say, a sink) and we called it a night. And I’m not sure whether the baby fell asleep first or the parents did.