Путешествие с семьей в Вентспилс
This summer had been tough for us due to financial reasons. It’s not that we were in need, but we certainly couldn’t afford a lot of things we could earlier. We had some extra expenses and now that I’m in my baby care vacation we mostly exist on my husband’s salary. So when a trip to Lithuania was canceled because of one of our youngest daughters illness, we actually decided to postpone it for a year. Instead we arranged a much lighter trip to another great city of Latvia — Ventspils.
Ventspils is a port city near the Baltic sea, it’s very neat and is known for the best kids playgrounds in Latvia, which are professionally installed by experts like those at https://www.schoolplaygroundequipment.org.uk/. It also has two water attraction parks (which is the highest concentration of water parks in one place in Latvia).
Просто разрозненные мысли.
(because this is why I’ve started this blog — to share my random thoughts).
The 1st thought.
School starts on September the 1st here in Latvia. Our family has been preparing for the school season for at least one month. And now that the school has started, Anastasia found out that she lost her penal. Somehow she lost TWO pencil cases during the summer. She hardly used them and yet she lost both. I decided to postpone running ещ the store for the new one and search for it by myself on her table. Yes, you can lose things on her table and you will probably need at least a half an hour to find those. Long story short, I found her pencil case, so as I found some pretty old sweets and biscuits wrapped in a tissue and a stale piece of bread (technically though, it was found by Marge, who came to me and just took it from the box out of nowhere, where Anastasia stores her notebooks, and started eating it).
Школа в Латвии начинается 1-го сентября. Мне хотелось быть организованной, поэтому готовиться мы начали ещё месяц назад. И вот, когда школа началась, Настенька внезапно обнаружила потерю пенала. Каким-то образом за лето она умудрилась потерять аж 2 пенала. Она их и не использовала толком, однако потеряла. Я решила не бежать сразу за новым, а поискать сначала самой на её столе. Да, на Настином столе можно потерять вещи. Более того, может понадобится целых полчаса, чтобы потом найти потерянное. В общем, нашла я её пенал. А ещё я нашла горсточку старых конфет и печенюшек, заботливо завёрнутых в салфеточку и засохший кусок белого хлеба (хотя технически последний нашла Марго, которая подошла ко мне и, со знанием дела, просто взяла его из Настиного ящика ниоткуда и стала есть).
Brace yourself, it’s going to be a long share. Here is how we spent July.