Вечерняя прогулка
8 PM. Gorgeous skies with clouds like chips of cotton wool.
8 PM. Gorgeous skies with clouds like chips of cotton wool.
Dear english readers: please scroll down.
Май пришёл в Ригу с холодной, ветренной погодой. Смотря на уже совсем уверенно зелёные деревья за окном, совсем не хочется верить цифре, которую показывает градусник. Температура снова опустилась до 7 градусов. Зато весенняя прохлада в доме — отличный повод согреться за выпечкой овсяных печений по новому рецепту.
С последнего занятия по рисованию дочки принесли мне по нарисованной вазе с подсолнухами и самый настоящий букет одуванчиков.
А в соседней ваза большой букет тюльпанов от мужа.
Я всерьёз задумалась о митенках, но пока подыскивала себе идеи на Pinterest, случайно вдохновилась вязанными сапожками для малышей. Марго не будет лишним погреть ножки, пока дома так холодно. Экспериментирую.
А вот таким был апрель за нашим окном: тёплым, в основном солнечным и очень живописным!
May came to Riga with a cold windy weather. Actually it’s hard to believe that thermometer isn’t lying about 7 degrees Celsius while looking at so confidently green trees outside. On the bright side, this spring chill gives a great opportunity to try out new oatmeal cookies recipe.
Daughters brought me pictures of sunflowers from their last art class and one real bouquet of dandelions. A big bouquet of tulips in a vase next to dandelions is from my husband.
I’m pretty positive in my desire to crochet myself new mittens. But while I was looking for some cool ideas in Pinterest, I unintentionally got inspired by crocheted baby boots. It won’t hurt to warm Marge’s feet while it’s so chilly here. Experimenting right now.
Warm and sunny April is on my last picture — this is how it’ll stay in my memory.
A few days ago I stumbled upon a wonderful idea of crocheting a stool cover with a hook of a big size. This had inspired me, and today I have a result of my own. Our kitchen stools has a completely new look now. We have a rather dark and partly green colored kitchen, so it was great to find in my stash one dark green skein of DK yarn. Though it was barely enough of this skein.
My order from the Hobbyset.lv online shop has arrived yesterday. Now we have a pile of plastic eggs for a realisation of our crafty ideas. And also a lot of jars for my beads. The site had mentioned the exact size of the jars, but still I was expecting for them to be somewhat larger. But still, to have them is better than not to have. Though a part of the beads had to stay in packs.
And maybe it just happening in my mind, but it seems that it’s finally getting greener outside!
I love to be home! To woke up and see through my window a huge thundercloud shining in the sun above the neighbour house… To sleep on the bed that is big enough for everyone including me and my workstation…
The cat follows me everywhere I go, eats with me, sits next to me when I’m washing dishes, sleeps with me…
(By the way, thank you Phoebe for letting me take a photo of you with this flower, that I’ve crocheted in the hospital).
And the oldest daughter surprised me with a Happy Birthday card for Marge!
But the biggest surprise for me was the fact that my middle daughter suddenly became so big! I remember this effect I felt from the time when Veronika born, therefore I waited for it once Marge born.
Тем временем циклон продолжает творить снежные беспорядки на улицах Риги.
Вид из окна налево:
Вид из окна направо. За ночь нападало сантиметров 10 снега. Липкий и скрипучий на радость детям.
А на столе работа в процессе:
Над Даугавой солнышко и снеговые тучи:
Такого града я ещё никогда не видела. Град размером с горошину за 5 минут полностью засыпал лобовое стекло. Ужасно хотелось потрогать. А на вид, как пенопластовые шарики…