Frankly speaking, after the year of intense shooting with intention, I got tired. I love perfection, and technically correct images make my heart sing. But this time I decided to let perfection go. At least for a day. I decided to document a day in our life, but make it less stressful for me. I decided to shoot like I did it before I have learned all that great stuff about light, composition and etc. So I shot without much thinking, taking into account only my guts feeling.
Tag Archives: день за днем
День нашей жизни.
Утро на болоте.
We got up early this Sunday. There were still some belated stars shining as all 5 of us set in the car and rushed towards the swamp to meet the sunrise.
Много (очень!) осенних фотографий!
It’s the most beautiful fall over here this year. And we really don’t have to go anywhere far to see all this golden beauty. Simply looking out of the window is absolutely enough.
Просто разрозненные мысли.
(because this is why I’ve started this blog — to share my random thoughts).
The 1st thought.
School starts on September the 1st here in Latvia. Our family has been preparing for the school season for at least one month. And now that the school has started, Anastasia found out that she lost her penal. Somehow she lost TWO pencil cases during the summer. She hardly used them and yet she lost both. I decided to postpone running ещ the store for the new one and search for it by myself on her table. Yes, you can lose things on her table and you will probably need at least a half an hour to find those. Long story short, I found her pencil case, so as I found some pretty old sweets and biscuits wrapped in a tissue and a stale piece of bread (technically though, it was found by Marge, who came to me and just took it from the box out of nowhere, where Anastasia stores her notebooks, and started eating it).
Школа в Латвии начинается 1-го сентября. Мне хотелось быть организованной, поэтому готовиться мы начали ещё месяц назад. И вот, когда школа началась, Настенька внезапно обнаружила потерю пенала. Каким-то образом за лето она умудрилась потерять аж 2 пенала. Она их и не использовала толком, однако потеряла. Я решила не бежать сразу за новым, а поискать сначала самой на её столе. Да, на Настином столе можно потерять вещи. Более того, может понадобится целых полчаса, чтобы потом найти потерянное. В общем, нашла я её пенал. А ещё я нашла горсточку старых конфет и печенюшек, заботливо завёрнутых в салфеточку и засохший кусок белого хлеба (хотя технически последний нашла Марго, которая подошла ко мне и, со знанием дела, просто взяла его из Настиного ящика ниоткуда и стала есть).
Brace yourself, it’s going to be a long share. Here is how we spent July.
Лето, вперёд!
So, the summer has started. And it’s even pretty warm outside, which is quite nice since the summer has started and we all (I mean us, our family girls) have some new light dresses that we all eager to try on.
Чем я занималась в последнее время.
I think I’ve already mentioned it once or twice here: I’m not a religious person. That’s why Easter is and isn’t celebrated in our place simultaneously. Things get even more complicated because our country provides us 4 days of official holidays on Catholic Easter, and we kind of belong to Russian Orthodox Church. I do like the brightness and freshness of the Easter colours, and the traditions of it are too kids-friendly to skip those, but still it’s more like a spring welcome for me than a holiday. And despite the fact that there was no spring yet around to welcome, I took a little break from writing (but not taking pictures) and threw myself into fancying my home and crafting.
Когда покидает вдохновение...
There are days when we feel totally uninspired. Either it’s the fault of spring rains and puddles under your feet, or it’s because your kid is sick (yet again). Or maybe it’s none of that. Maybe it’s just your mundane routine that got you bored. You start your creative work, and you feel like you’ll definitely going to end up with nothing decent again.
День за днём и груша.
The idea was to share inspirational some spring pictures without much talking, while I’m working on a few pretty long posts. But somehow these look more weird than cheerful and inspiring, don’t they? Yep, I have some odd decoration in my place, but believe me, those doesn’t look so gloomy in the real life.
Yesterday she turned one. We love her so much! The memories about her birth are one of the greatest memories in our family. She is my third child and believe me, it’s worth having a third child just because having a baby when you already have the experience and have made different mistakes and tried different things with the first kids, is a pure joy. Nothing distracts you from just loving the kid. Will she ever sleep at night? Yes, she will. Will I ever have spare time by daytime at home? Yes, I will. Will I ever sleep in my bed without the kid and for the whole night? Yes, I know, I will. Will I ever be able to watch a movie from the beginning to the end without long pauses? Yes! And it will all happen much sooner then we think. These are just common questions of most of the new mothers, and now I know the answers perfectly.