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Nadya Rubina Привет, странник!

Меня зовут Надя. Я живу в Риге, в столице небольшой прибалтийской страны, Латвии.
Я - мама трёх девочек, интроверт и творческий человек. Мой любимый вид творчества - это фотография . Я творю для себя, для семьи, для знакомых и для незнакомых.
Мой блог призван приносить эстетическое удовольствие и вдохновлять.
Если вы хотите со мной посотрудничать, вы найдёте мои контакты на моей рабочей страничке
Надя Рубина
семейный фотограф

Tag Archives: day to day

Юбилей блога и маленький подарок.

Юбилей блога и маленький подарок.

Tadadadam! Do you hear the sound of drums and  trumpets? It’s my blog that has turned one year old! Once upon a bright and sunny spring morning (that actually happened a little bit more than a year ago) I was drinking my morning tea and reading my favorite blog feeds. The feed was bursting with lush colors in anticipation of a warmer season. For me it had always been a great source of inspiration and good mood for the whole day. I was sitting in my cosy green kitchen, that had been cleaned right the day before, and was eating a zephyr brought by my husband specially for me. Marge was obviously planning on staying a few days more in my belly and I had some free time and was feeling very creative.

Весна уже где-то поблизости!

Весна уже где-то поблизости!

What does give away spring that is getting closer? Oh, that’s really easy.
It’s dressing my kids in lighter coats.

It’s a lot of tulips on my kitchen table.

Туман и мыльные пузыри.

Туман и мыльные пузыри.

I have so much ideas to blog about and such miserable amount of time for it! I’m by all means not complaining, it’s just the reality I live in now that also is worth of being documented. I think I have plans for a few month ahead for the blog now, which is always good. But those plans, jostling in the queue for realisation, aren’t letting me fall asleep every night, especially because most of my blog work is done during the night, when all of my kids have gone to sleep.

Контрасты. Пешком по Иманте.

Контрасты. Пешком по Иманте.

Riga is a city of contrasts. The key of it lays in its eclectic mix of architecture. Riga was built by German barons. Riga was built by Swedish and Russian kings. It was built by Soviet government. It was built, cherished and… also ruined by Latvians themselves. Because people wanted to see real “Latvian” Riga. Well, as for me, I don’t think Latvian Riga truly ever existed. There is an old legend that is passed through the centuries. It says that when Riga will be finished, a huge monster will rise from the river Daugava and ruin the city.

Любовь это...

Любовь это...

There was an unpleasant event in the middle of December that pushed me to write this post. It conveys my point of view regarding to love. A woman told some rude things to me and at first I was feeling angry at her as I was caught without guard with her accusations.  But soon enough I realized that more likely the real reason why she acted in that odd way was her own frustration at completely another person that I had been related too. So I ended up with feeling pity for the woman that, as I’m sure, had fallen in the same trap where I was some time ago too.

February 17, 2015

Зимние краски

Зимние краски

I have a thought that I’m returning to over and over again. The thing I don’t understand about our northern country is why buildings here are so grey? Wouldn’t it be more cheerful to see some splash of a colour here in a middle of winter, when the nature itself is a bit desaturated? And why do people perpetually choose black coats, black shoes and black umbrellas for the winter time? We should be learning from medieval. People lived in terrible conditions then, but they still were unrivalled masters of making their rather short lives literally bright.

Дорогу весне!

Дорогу весне!

Yesterday my sweet Veronika turned 6. She is a big girl, but it still feels like she’s not. I guess, it’s how she’s truly feeling, because a lot of people in some time of her life had said to her, that she is smaller than her big sister. (And I believe, that is something that shouldn’t be said to a child. A skill or ability should be emphasised, not the age). But actually yesterday there was a sparkle of a consciousness in her eyes as she realised how grown up she is! (And do you remember how grown up you felt in your 6th birthday?)

Зима в моей голове

Зима в моей голове

I tried so hard not to let winter in me this time! I tried to be inspired with all of the brown colors around me.

Это всё погода такая...

Это всё погода такая...

Возвращаюсь во вторник

Возвращаюсь во вторник

Tomorrow is a big day. Me, my husband and Marge are flying to Milan! And that means, I won’t be on my blog till Tuesday. And that means I will have to break one of the promises and post my first weeks photos of the 365 project one week later.

Wish us luck!

January 7, 2015
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