A bus stop (and a random woman and Marge somewhere in her stroller and a snow storm).
A bus stop (and a random woman and Marge somewhere in her stroller and a snow storm).
I totally don’t feel like writing right now. But I do feel like crocheting a bit. So here is my latest making: crochet Amish Puzzle Ball!
The pattern is very simple and it is free. You can find it at Look At What I Made.
Trip to Milan, Part I
Trip to Milan, Part II
The second day began with a gorgeous colours of a sunrise that was seen through our hotel room window. Marge woke up at a perfect time — 8 o’clock.
I tried so hard not to let winter in me this time! I tried to be inspired with all of the brown colors around me.
A playtime with a big brother (that’s a cat’s tunnel that they are holding).
Marge tries to repeat sounds after us and says “ko” for a cat (the word “cat” sounds like [‘koshka] in Russian) and says “pti” for birds (the word “birds” sounds like [‘ptici] in Russian). She imitates the sound of a fall with “ba-ba-h”.
She puts things in my hand or somewhere (gives and takes) and tries to stack plastic toy glasses.
Veronika had a fever last night. I thought a little marvel of conversion would cheer her up. So I crocheted this tail of a mermaid for her Snow White doll.
First of all, I have to tell about how did we muster our courage on taking this trip. The truth is, we didn’t. Actually we were planning a whole different trip, and that’s the saddest part of the story. We had already bought tickets to London for a weekend. We were up to visit our friends and buy me a new lens. But apparently, it’s a real trouble to get in London (and is worth loads of money) if you have a status of alien in Latvia. Yep, it is as ludicrous as it sounds, a part of people officially have this status here, which is a result of them (or their parents) moving here in the time period when this place belonged to Soviet Union. Most of them had already got through a procedure of gaining the citizenship of Latvia, though. Well, don’t ask why, but my husband hadn’t. But this is really the first time when it actually mattered. And it was sheer coincidence that we found out before the flight about our need to make a visa for him and we had some time to change our destination (and thanks a lot for this bright idea to our friend, the one from England, as we were ready to lose our money for the tickets as these were of a non-refundable kind).
This week started with the journey to Milan. This is our arrival to the Central Station of Milan.