Our littlest lady has turned 2 a few days ago. Look, here she has made a bed for herself!
Our littlest lady has turned 2 a few days ago. Look, here she has made a bed for herself!
Once we woke up on the second day of our journey, I went with my camera to the lake. I rarely have an opportunity to photograph landscapes, so I couldn’t miss this one.
This summer had been tough for us due to financial reasons. It’s not that we were in need, but we certainly couldn’t afford a lot of things we could earlier. We had some extra expenses and now that I’m in my baby care vacation we mostly exist on my husband’s salary. So when a trip to Lithuania was canceled because of one of our youngest daughters illness, we actually decided to postpone it for a year. Instead we arranged a much lighter trip to another great city of Latvia — Ventspils.
Ventspils is a port city near the Baltic sea, it’s very neat and is known for the best kids playgrounds in Latvia, which are professionally installed by experts like those at https://www.schoolplaygroundequipment.org.uk/. It also has two water attraction parks (which is the highest concentration of water parks in one place in Latvia).
What do we do if we desperately want to the seaside, but the weather is not even trying? We go to the seaside. Luckily, Latvia has a lot of picturesque sea shores where you can not only swim or take a sunbath, but enjoy white sand under your feet and amazing view.
Somehow I missed a few months of posting about Marge. But I feel that I should resume doing it, because I won’t remember these things after two or three years. My elder kids often ask about themselves, what they did when they were little like Marge, but I can’t answer most of the questions as I’ve already forgotten a lot of details.
So, speaking of Marge, the first thing I notice when I look through her pictures from the three past months is that she has much more hair now.
This baby is incredibly cheerful. She always wakes up with a smile. I don’t remember her ever waking up grumpy.
And as it should be, she has very inquisitive mind. She travels on her knees around our place in a very high pace. She can even try to “run away” from me when she puts something uneatable in her mouth as she already knows that she won’t get away with it.
Это необычайно жизнерадостный ребёнок. Она всегда просыпается с улыбкой. Я честно не помню, чтобы она хоть раз встала в плохом настроении. Как и положено, малышка очень любознательная. Она путешествует по квартире ползком, и умеет это делать очень быстро. Она может даже предпринять попытку “убежать” от меня, потому как знает, что складывать в рот несъедобные вещи непозволительно.
Marge tries to repeat sounds after us and says “ko” for a cat (the word “cat” sounds like [‘koshka] in Russian) and says “pti” for birds (the word “birds” sounds like [‘ptici] in Russian). She imitates the sound of a fall with “ba-ba-h”.
She puts things in my hand or somewhere (gives and takes) and tries to stack plastic toy glasses.
There was a snow storm in Riga a few days ago. As I watched giant snowflakes falling, I desperately wanted to get outside and take some photos (yep, I’m totally addicted). I found a cooperative subject in one of my girls, who also wanted to get outside badly.
And that’s a 3/4 of a year! And I’m late with the post by a week, just like I usually am.
There was a lot of exploring this month. Marge obviously finds it absolutely delightful that she can travel across all of our rooms. Marge was so active this month that I’m actually not sure if she gained more weight or lost some during the month. She truly has a lot of stuff to do!
School holidays have started today (hooray for the company at home!). And today we had to go downtown to fetch our Christmas cards. Yeah, I know, it’s a bit too late for Christmas cards, but it’s me and my time-feel and my organisation skills. And it’s better late than never, isn’t it?