Tag Archives: фотография
Cемейная фотосъёмка в помещении
I had one more photo shoot these days. I had been asked (yippee!!) to take some pictures of a little girl. Of course, I agreed immediately! I grab any opportunity to practise with the remark that I do it for free, as I can’t ensure nor the quality neither the quantity of the resulting images yet.
Yesterday she turned one. We love her so much! The memories about her birth are one of the greatest memories in our family. She is my third child and believe me, it’s worth having a third child just because having a baby when you already have the experience and have made different mistakes and tried different things with the first kids, is a pure joy. Nothing distracts you from just loving the kid. Will she ever sleep at night? Yes, she will. Will I ever have spare time by daytime at home? Yes, I will. Will I ever sleep in my bed without the kid and for the whole night? Yes, I know, I will. Will I ever be able to watch a movie from the beginning to the end without long pauses? Yes! And it will all happen much sooner then we think. These are just common questions of most of the new mothers, and now I know the answers perfectly.
Весна уже где-то поблизости!
What does give away spring that is getting closer? Oh, that’s really easy.
It’s dressing my kids in lighter coats.
Это более лёгкие курточки на моих девочках.
It’s a lot of tulips on my kitchen table.
Туман и мыльные пузыри.
I have so much ideas to blog about and such miserable amount of time for it! I’m by all means not complaining, it’s just the reality I live in now that also is worth of being documented. I think I have plans for a few month ahead for the blog now, which is always good. But those plans, jostling in the queue for realisation, aren’t letting me fall asleep every night, especially because most of my blog work is done during the night, when all of my kids have gone to sleep.
Контрасты. Пешком по Иманте.
Riga is a city of contrasts. The key of it lays in its eclectic mix of architecture. Riga was built by German barons. Riga was built by Swedish and Russian kings. It was built by Soviet government. It was built, cherished and… also ruined by Latvians themselves. Because people wanted to see real “Latvian” Riga. Well, as for me, I don’t think Latvian Riga truly ever existed. There is an old legend that is passed through the centuries. It says that when Riga will be finished, a huge monster will rise from the river Daugava and ruin the city.
Маргошины 11.
This baby is incredibly cheerful. She always wakes up with a smile. I don’t remember her ever waking up grumpy.
And as it should be, she has very inquisitive mind. She travels on her knees around our place in a very high pace. She can even try to “run away” from me when she puts something uneatable in her mouth as she already knows that she won’t get away with it.
Это необычайно жизнерадостный ребёнок. Она всегда просыпается с улыбкой. Я честно не помню, чтобы она хоть раз встала в плохом настроении. Как и положено, малышка очень любознательная. Она путешествует по квартире ползком, и умеет это делать очень быстро. Она может даже предпринять попытку “убежать” от меня, потому как знает, что складывать в рот несъедобные вещи непозволительно.