Have you already decorated your home? I haven’t, aside of the Christmas lights on our kitchen table, that actually were left there pretty much accidentally a few days ago, but fitted so well, so I decided to leave them there. The coldness and greyness of outside just have to be counterbalanced with winter-holiday-inspired decorated rooms and a sweet vanilla smell of a home-made baking. By the way, speaking of baking, I would suggest you to visit this treasure page with a pile of specially selected recipes of home baked cookies.
Author Archives: Nadya Rubina
>Это зима, детка<
Рецепт моих любимых рождественских печений
Last time I mentioned my favourite cookies to bake in winter season. I have been using this recipe for at least six years and I love it. It’s really easy and you can either cook a lot of cookies at once, or prepare sticks of a dough to keep in your fringe.
Шаблон конверта и бланк для приглашений
Do you like to get together with friends and share interesting activities, like crafting or baking? Well, I do. And my kids do either. And now that it’s time for a winter cookies baking (I have one favourite cookies’ recipe for this time of a year that I’m going to share next time), Anastasia decided to invite her friends for cookies baking party!
A Kid and a Cat
Ребёнок и котёнок
Marge and Phoebe. These pictures make me laugh every time I see them. I just need to share them!
DIY Paper Christmas Tree Hanging
Бумажный шар на ёлку своими руками
As I mentioned in one of the previous posts, my daughters got a mail from Christmas elves and the elves asked them to make a paper ball. The elves actually sent two coloring pages with ornaments to use for the creation, but we also did it using a paper randomly coloured with watercolours.
Sharing Christmas Countdown Printable
To make the countdown easier, I drew this calendar (girls received it with a letter from elves).
Click to download English version.
Click to download Russian version.
Нажми, чтобы скачать версию календаря на английском.
Нажми, чтобы скачать версию календаря на русском.
Hello December!
Привет, декабрь!
I’m pretty sure, this time is the most favourite time of a year to my kids. Though, we not a truly religious family, we have our concept of why this holidays are so important to every human being and I’m also constantly seeking what this holidays really mean to me. That said, while it’s so unpleasingly cold outside, these days are always filled with warmth and magic in our house.
Немножко осенней природы
Yesterday after a few weeks of sitting at home we finally were able to make it outside. I hadn’t been outside so long, that I was actually starting to forget what it looks like there.
There were some green leaves in the beginning of November.
Treating a Cold
Лечим простуду
As I wrote in the previous post, our littlest one has caught a cold and can’t actually get out of it for three weeks by now. This picture was taken by Anastasia when I was trying to get some chamomile tea in Marge. And it’s not an easy task, as she likes to bite a spoon, but doesn’t like to swallow things that doesn’t come from my breasts. So mostly what goes in her mouth, immediately goes out as well.
I wrote down a list and put it on our kids room’s door as a reminder for me with all of our treatment methods for kids during a day. Here it is:
– put on socks and slippers;
– warm up feet and hands in a hot bathtub;
– add a few drops of an Eucalyptus oil in a hot bathtub to breath it in while warming your feet and hands;
– clean noses with Humer;
– rinse a throat with a mixture of water, salt and baking soda (older kids only);
– spray a Calendula tincture in a throat (older kids only);
– spray an Euphobrium nasal spray (older kids only);
– drink a chamomile tea;
– rub a Hustagil Balsam balm on the skin of chest and back;
– ventilate;
– eat some garlic;
– eat some vitamin C;
– eat some cranberries and honey.
– одевать тёплые носки и тапки;
– греть ноги и руки в горячей воде;
– капать в воду пару капель эвкалиптового масла, чтобы дышать испарениями, пока греешь ноги и руки;
– чистить носы с помощью водички Humer;
– полоскать горло раствором соды и соли (только старшим детям);
– прыскать в горло спрэй Laringospray из настойки календулы (только старшим детям);
– пшикать в нос Euphobrium (только старшим детям);
– пить ромашковый чай;
– натирать грудь и спину бальзамом Hustagil Balsam;
– регулярно проветривать комнаты;
– добавлять в суп свежий чеснок;
– есть витамин C;
– пить натуральный профилактический сироп для здоровья дыхательных путей Bronhonie из настойки клюквы и мёда.
Any other ideas of how to treat a cold?
Eight months of happiness
Восемь месяцев счастья
Every time I’m sure Marge won’t surprise with new skills after one more month, she does it.
Marge is trying to sit by herself.
She claps her hands.
She actually tried food and loved yogurt, bullion, water, cheese, cucumber, apples and bread. And she hates everything sweet, like bananas, pumpkin and her cough syrup (apples she liked were more sour than sweet). She also has tried buckwheat, fish, chicken and other food, but hadn’t much interest about that.