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Nadya Rubina Привет, странник!

Меня зовут Надя. Я живу в Риге, в столице небольшой прибалтийской страны, Латвии.
Я - мама трёх девочек, интроверт и творческий человек. Мой любимый вид творчества - это фотография . Я творю для себя, для семьи, для знакомых и для незнакомых.
Мой блог призван приносить эстетическое удовольствие и вдохновлять.
Если вы хотите со мной посотрудничать, вы найдёте мои контакты на моей рабочей страничке
Надя Рубина
семейный фотограф

Author Archives: Nadya Rubina

Размышления о важности фотографий во время беременности и первых месяцев с малышом

Размышления о важности фотографий во время беременности и первых месяцев с малышом

My youngest girl will turn 2 years old in a month. And believe me, the more kids you have, the faster time flies. Marge is our little cheerful sun, who loves talking and singing. The words “She started to sing before she could talk” of the famous ABBA song totally relate to her! And yesterday she told me “please” when she asked for something! Here are some of my latest pictures of her:

Моей младшенькой через месяц исполнится два годика. И поверьте, чем больше у вас детей, тем скорее летит время. Маргошка — наша жизнерадостное солнышко, которая обожает болтать и петь песни. Помните, как АББА пели: “She started to sing before she could talk” (“Она начала петь до того, как начала говорить”)? Так вот это прямо про неё! Вот несколько последних фотографий Маргошки:

День нашей жизни.

День нашей жизни.

Frankly speaking, after the year of intense shooting with intention, I got tired. I love perfection, and technically correct images make my heart sing. But this time I decided to let perfection go. At least for a day. I decided to document a day in our life, but make it less stressful for me. I decided to shoot like I did it before I have learned all that great stuff about light, composition and etc. So I shot without much thinking, taking into account only my guts feeling.

Честно говоря, после года интенсивной съёмки, когда к каждому кадру стараешься применить все свои знания, я порядком устала. Я перфекционист по натуре, и мне хочется делать то, что я делаю, по высшему разряду. Но на этот раз я решила сделать паузу и хотя бы день фотографировать просто так. Мне давно хотелось попробовать задокументировать целый день из нашей жизни, и я решила таким образом упростить задачу. В результате я фотографировала практически не задумываясь, полагаюсь только на то, что уже прочно сидит где-то там внутри меня.

Проект 365. Финал.

Проект 365. Финал.

This is the last post in the Project 365 series. Wow, that was a great marathon! Not a day without a picture taken. A year of practice, gaining new knowledge, and improving my skills day by day. A year of a huge progress. A year full of experiments that I wouldn’t try otherwise.

Это последний пост в серии проекта 365. Вот это был марафон! Ни дня без фотографии! Год практики, учёбы и ежедневной работы над своими умениями. Год очень большого прогресса. Год, полный экспериментов, которые я бы иначе не попробовала.
January 21, 2016

Проект 365. Неделя 51.

Проект 365. Неделя 51.

Almost there…

January 14, 2016

Проект 365. Неделя 50.

Проект 365. Неделя 50.
January 10, 2016

Проект 365. Неделя 49.

Проект 365. Неделя 49.
January 8, 2016

Моё фото выбрано как фотография недели!

Моё фото выбрано как фотография недели!

Have you seen the new banner from Focused Photographers on the right?

А вы обратили внимание на новый банер справа от Focused Photographers?

I am an image of the week winner this week on Focus Photographers, wohoo!!

На сайте Focus Photographers моё фото выбрали в качестве фотографии недели, ура-ура!

This has happened to me for the first time and I’m thrilled!

Со мной такое в первый раз, и я очень-очень рада!

If you head over there and register (it’s free), you will be able to read my progress of the year story I posted in the forum.

А на форуме можно почитать мою историю прогресса за прошлый год (только нужно зарегистрироваться, что бесплатно!).
January 7, 2016

Сапожник без сапог. Часть I.

Сапожник без сапог. Часть I.

Wow, this post took me so long! I haven’t mentioned it on my blog, but there was a project planned for December. I made a call for my local photographer friends on Facebook and offered a free session in exchange for their free session. I had 3 requests (yeah, I’m not that popular and/or I don’t have that much local photographer-friends or acquaintances). I was really worried about how it would go and if it was a good idea at all. I named the project “A shoemaker without a shoe” (there’s such Russian proverb).

Ох, вот так пост-долгострой получился! Я не упоминала это в своём блоге — на декабрь у меня был намечен один фото-проект под названием “Сапожник без сапог”. Название, по-моему, объясняет идею — я обратилась на Фейсбуке к своим друзьям-фотографам и предложила обмен фотосессиями. Мне ответило 3 фотографа (да-да, я не особо популярна, и фотографов местных знаю совсем чуть-чуть). Я ужасно волновалась, как всё получится, и выйдет ли из наших встреч что-то толковое.

Проект 365. Неделя 48.

Проект 365. Неделя 48.
January 3, 2016

My 2015 (and a little downloadable gift).

My 2015 (and a little downloadable gift).

I wanted to write a quick post summing up the year, like I did it in 2014. But when I finally made my youngest take a day nap (it’s 6 PM here, pretty late for a day nap, but today is a special day when late is still better than nothing), my inspiration kind of left me. So for now I don’t know how it’s going to end.

And I’m typing with my left hand while she is sleeping on the other one.

So I’ll just say, this was a great year achievement-wise. And this was a tough year time and health-wise. Especially the December. I won’t go into details here, because this is not what I want to remember.

This was a year full of new knowledge, a year of a lot of hard work, practicing my skills  as a photographer daily, a year of culling, editing, keywording and otherwise treating my photographs with a respect. Today is the last day of my first project 365. I still have to post some of the last weeks. I am pretty proud I made it to the end, but I also feel pretty tired. And honestly, I had no problems in shooting and editing daily. The hardest part was to choose only one picture of the day. So I’m going to take a rest of the project in 2016, which means I’ll take my own speed. I’ve already made a new project plan for me for 2016. All is left is to make a schedule out of the plan.

This was a year of a lot of new friendships made with photographers all around the world. These are people who I admire for their hard work and open hearts. A lot of them granted me with their critique and thus I was able to learn and grow faster. A lot of them were supporting and kind. And all of them were a huge source of inspiration for me, my fuel that made me keep working and running. Thank you, my friends! I wouldn’t be even near where I am now without you.

This year was a year of the most fabulous discovery. I found what I like most. I found what I want to do and it was unexpected. I found myself. I wouldn’t be able to do that without my husband’s faith in me. I just wouldn’t dare. Being a photographer was my wildest wish, so I hadn’t even thought of that. I wouldn’t do it without him telling me all the way “You should do it! You should try it! You’re doing great! Why not?”

I hadn’t met some of my goals for this year, but I’ve certainly met some other and even greater goals. I guess, the biggest one was starting my own photography business and actually taking some clients! Oh, I loved each one of the sessions! Each one of them made me the happiest person in the world at least for a few days after it! i’m waiting for a new season to open now, gathering some new knowledge to make it all an even better experience for my clients!

This is how my year went for me. My experience tells — you can set goals, which is good, but life always goes it’s way. So don’t hope for much. Hope for more instead.

If you’re still here, I have a little handy thing to share with you today. These are calendar pages with a vertical months’ layout.  I used these in 2015 by myself and they really helped me in planning. You can download the A4 PDF here. There is only one thing I should warn you about: the PDF starts from March, but you will find January and February in the very end. Shamelessly, I wasn’t able make Illustrator work for me today in the right way, my apologies.

Sorry my Russian-speaking friends, I believe you can all read English. I just have no time for re-typing this in other language.

December 31, 2015
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